The Outcomes Measurement Model | TOMM
What we've been up to
Here’s a few things from the past few years.
For clients in Aotearoa New Zealand the TOMM® platform is hosted in Aotearoa New Zealand and no data leaves our shores ensuring safety and protection of data sovereignty.

In 2021 The MOH appointed TOMM to be the tool for measuring the Youth Mental health pilot – this is about to begin.

National surfacing of all results comparative data sheet

Measuring Outcomes has been appointed to surface national data results for the WAM (What About Me) survey. The biggest survey of a generation. We’re excited about the sophistaiced and ground breaking tools we’ve designed and look forward to their release late tis year or early 2023.

National surfacing of all results comparative data sheet

Team TOMM® designed and delivered user friendly intuitive reporting tools for participating schools results to access their results. Evidencing an anonymised snap shot… of wellbeing for participating schools in an easy to access and understandable format is assisting schools to understand and respond to challenges faced by young people.

With the pilot now competed the continued development of capture and reporting tools continues.

Having worked with Oranga Tamariki since the inception of TOMM® we completed accreditation in 2021. This was important for the software services provided to Oranga Tamariki relating to aggregated anonymised and identifiable reports containing client level data. This also validated security for the TOMM® Referral Portal designed to safely transfer client level data from one organisation to another as well as recording a full history and compelling a picture of shared care.

Royal Commission Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and Faith-Based Institutions

In 2021 we were appointed by Tautaoko Mai (NGO) to provide the necessary tools to enable the management of this ongoing process. Survivor details are safely transferred to the organisation best qualified and most suitably geographically located to support each survivor on their journey to having their stay heard. This incudes securely recording notes, time sheets and seamless invoicing functionality.

The beginning of longitudinal and generational study

Developing a unique set of tools for the capture of WCTO (Well Child Tamariki Ora) and presenting this alongside holistic wellbeing measurements for the mother or primary caregiver meant in 2022 we extended TOMM®’s capabilities to being able to track wellbeing over multiple generations over time. This has laid a solid foundation for longitudinal study and better understanding of multifactorial life influences.

In 2020 we began working closely with the Start Well team at Middlemore Hospital to support the capture of WCTO (Well Child Tamariki Ora) measurements. This included designing and developing tools to evidence Start Well pilot results. Results of the pilot were delivered in 2021. It has been a pleasure to evidence the outcomes achieve by this team and the whānau they walk alongside. We’re proud to have made these achievements so evident.

Youth Health Wellbeing Survey– What About Me (WAM)

This project is the result of Measuring Outcomes Limited partnering with respected research company Malatest International Limited to deliver this all of government youth health and wellbeing Survey. Our role has been to provide tools for the safe capture and delivery of responses of participants. Malatest International used the digital tools provided to survey responses from from approx 14,000 young people aged 12 – 18yrs from around Aotearoa New Zealand.

NEET’s Trial

During 2018 TOMM® was used to capture and deliver data for the purposes of the NEET’s trail measuring the wellbeing of young people Not Engaged in Education or Training (NEET’s).


In 2018 TOMM® tool was accredited by MSD.